Winchmore Green Chapter 9116 – Closure Convocation

On Tuesday 28th January 2025 the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E.Comp. Robert Asser lead a delegation from the Province which included the 2 nd and 3 rd Provincial Grand Principals and the Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra to Halsey Hall, Cheshunt for the final convocation of Winchmore Green Chapter No. 9116. The members had reluctantly accepted that the Chapter was no longer viable and pursuant to a notice of motion intended to close the Chapter and return it’s Charter. The Deputy Grand Superintendent assumed the 1st Principal’s chair and presided over the ceremony of closing, during which E.Comp. Paul Gower gave a very poignant and moving history of the Chapter since it’s consecration on 24th May 1993 which included memories of many Companions who had been involved in the Chapter during that time.

The MEZ, E.Comp. Ian Burton formally surrendered the Charter of the Chapter to the Deputy Grand Superintendent who pledged it’s safe return to the Most Excellent 1st Grand Principal, whose property it has ever remained. The Chapter was then closed and the final recession of the Principals formed. It would be fair to say that the mood of the Companions was sombre at this time, however they retired to an excellent festive board consisting of a three-meat carvery where they had the opportunity to look back with fond memories of occasions and friendships formed and made possible because of Winchmore Green Chapter.

In his response to the toast to the Province, the Deputy Grand Superintendent reflected on the contribution E.Comp. Paul Gower had made to the Chapter and the hope that it’s members would continue their Royal Arch membership in other Chapters where he wished them every happiness and success.

Robert J Asser
Deputy Grand Superintendent.