Deputy Grand Superintendents Forum

On Tuesday 11th October 2016, the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E Comp David Hampton had the honour of hosting the annual Deputy Grand Superintendent’s Forum at which 24 Provinces were represented with their respective Deputies and other Distinguished Companions, 46 guests in total. The Forum was held at Ashwell House, St Albans and E Comp David Hampton was pleased to welcome to the meeting the Second Grand Principal, E Comp Russell Race and the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp James Sharpley, who welcomed all the Companions to the Province of Happy Hertfordshire.

The primary function of the Forum is an opportunity for the Deputies to air their views and discuss topics of mutual benefit and this year was no exception, with discussion centred around membership, new initiatives, mentoring and future developments for the Royal Arch in general. At the conclusion of the meeting, a sumptuous two course luncheon was served. After the luncheon, a number of the visitors remained, when the Deputy Grand Superintendent hosted a visit to the Abbey & Cathedral Church of St Alban, which was well received, and ably conducted by W Bro Andrew Clarke, Assistant Verger.

Photo: The Second Grand Principal, E Comp Russel Race (centre) with the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp James Sharpley and Deputy Grand Superintendent, E Comp David Hampton