After what had been a difficult lead up to our re-arranged Provincial Grand Convocation, January 9th was finally here, and it proved to be worth the wait! Eleven Grand Superintendents and one Grand Superintendent Designate from other Provinces gathered in the Grand Temple at Great Queen Street to be present when Excellent Companion David Hampton was installed and invested as Most Excellent Grand Superintendent in and over the Province of Hertfordshire. Prior to the installation meeting, David presided as Deputy Grand Superintendent In Charge over our own Provincial Convocation where he was able to invest those Provincial Grand Officers who had been appointed at our business meeting back in November, meet and welcome three new Companions who had been exalted in the previous 12 months and confer his Certificate of Service on four deserving Companions, two of whom were able to be present to receive the award in person. All were warmly greeted by our Grand Superintendent Designate who brought his own personal touch and personality to the proceedings. With the Provincial business concluded Provincial Grand Chapter was called off for the Temple to be prepared for the main event.

With the Companions re-seated, the Most Excellent 2nd Grand Principal, Sir David Hugh Wootton entered in procession and assisted by two of our visiting Grand Superintendents called on Provincial Grand Chapter and stated the purpose of the meeting. The Grand Director of Ceremonies formed a deputation and retired to escort the Grand Superintendent designate into the Grand Temple, resplendent in his new regalia. David was obligated, robed, invested and then installed as Grand Superintendent in and over the Province of Hertfordshire to the delight of all present. David was then able to install Peter Walters as 2 nd Provincial Grand Principal, John Linley as 3rd Provincial Grand Principal and Robert Asser as Deputy Grand Superintendent. Following the installations David had the opportunity to address the Convocation for the first time as our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent during which he paid tribute to his predecessor, E. Comp. Jim Sharpley before outlining the ‘Future of Freemasonry’ strategy launched in 2022 and his commitment to work together with our Provincial Grand Master to continue to meet the challenges of delivering the ‘One Journey, One Organisation’ vision. However, the overriding theme of his address was that fun and fellowship should be at the heart of our Freemasonry in Hertfordshire. His address was enthusiastically received, and the Companions were then able to see our Grand Superintendent close Provincial Grand Chapter and retire in splendid procession accompanying the Most Excellent 2nd Grand Principal.
Following the Convocation the Companions retired to an excellent festive board in The Grand Connaught Rooms during which the Most Excellent 2nd Grand Principal proposed a warm toast to our Grand Superintendent and presented him with a personal gift from the 1 st Grand Principal H.R.H. The Duke of Kent, the ‘Kent Cube’ a crystal cube inset with a gold coin bearing the Grandmaster’s signature on one side and His Coat of Arms on the other, a wonderful memento of a wonderful occasion. In replying to the toast, our Grand Superintendent thanked Sir David for his kind words and informed him that Hertfordshire has a big heart and that the Spirit of Hertfordshire…… is a small local gin distillery outside of St Albans from which he had sourced a bottle of Garden City Centenary Gin and a bottle of Four Rivers of Hertford Gin which he then presented to Sir David to the delight of all present. Our Grand Superintendent concluded by congratulating all those Companions that had been appointed and promoted, thanking everyone for their attendance and support and wishing all a safe journey home.
A very enjoyable and satisfying start to his journey as our new Grand Superintendent.
E Comp Robert J Asser
Deputy Grand Superintendent