King Harold Chapter 1327: Help us to reach 100 not out!

It’s not that often that a Chapter gets to reach it’s Century but that’s what King Harold Chapter No 1327 are looking forward to doing in November 2020  – but we need a few more players on our side and in our pavilion!

Can you therefore consider helping us by joining our first XI (or more) by perhaps becoming a joining member?

As you can imagine for a Chapter of our age a few of the players have now gone on to that Great Pavilion Above to play for the TALGMH’s team and some of the other players feel that they now want to go in as 12th man.

If you are perhaps looking to join a Chapter that meets three times a year, on a Saturday in Cheshunt, you might just want to press your whites, dust off your bat, and polish up the leather on your ball and come along and join us.

Maybe you might want to come along as a guest in the first instance to see what we are like.

You will be assured of a very warm welcome, a Membership that, although small in number is none the less committed to enjoying the work and having fun.

Tea is sometimes taken in the pavilion with cake and cucumber sandwiches and the Festive Board is always very enjoyable – and by the way subscriptions are also very reasonable.

For more details please contact the Scribe E – Bill Hamilton-Hinds on 01707 642698 or by email