Letter from Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Comp James Sharpley

Dear Companions all,

You will be aware that all Craft and Royal Arch meetings were suspended, as from 17 th March 2020, for a period of four months owing to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Likewise, you will have received much information and guidance from various sources on how to stay safe. Please follow that advice to the best that your particular circumstances will allow, to mitigate any risk to yourself and your families.

Whilst writing to wish you all well, I would like to inform you that I am fully supportive of the Provincial Grand Master in that we must support our Masonic Centres during these difficult times. In this respect, I would urge all Chapter Treasurers to pay Centre invoices promptly, whether based on per capita charges and/or room hires, which should have already been
collected in subscriptions.

The Provincial Executive look forward to being with you when ‘normal service’ is resumed.

Stay safe and keep well,

James W. Sharpley
Grand Superintendent.