MEGS Address to Hertfordshire Provincial Convocation 2016

Hertfordshire Provincial Convocation 2016
Most Excellent Grand Superintendent’s Address

Companions, it has given me great pleasure today to Install the new Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals. As Second Provincial Grand Principal, E. Comp Paul Blakemore is already well known by you all, having served the Province with distinction as the Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra and most recently as Third Provincial Grand Principal and I thank him for his continued support as Second Provincial Grand Principal.

As Third Provincial Grand Principal, E. Comp Phillip Masters is also well known by you having served as Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies for three years and his continued support with his escorting duties and at previous Provincial Convocations. He is well aware of the requirements of a Provincial Grand Principal and I am delighted to have him on the Provincial Executive.

They, together with the rest of the Executive team are here to serve you Companions and I trust that you will feel free to approach any of them with questions or concerns you may have.

I congratulate all those I have had the pleasure to Invest or Promote in Provincial Grand Rank. Companions your Honours are a justly deserved recognition of your past efforts within your individual Chapters and it is my duty to impress on your minds that this acknowledgement of your past performance carries a responsibility for greater effort in the future. To those who have received an Acting Rank, I trust that you will take the opportunity of visiting with the Executive to other Chapters
during your year, and believe me it is a most enjoyable experience.

We have now embarked on the mentoring program that I promised you last year and the first three seminars for Royal Arch Representatives and Chapter Mentors have taken place, with more to follow in the New Year. I must thank E. Comp Tim Coles for his sterling work in putting these seminars together and for arranging all the supporting literature. At these seminars, those companions attending are given advice on how to Recruit, Retain and Re-engage Companions for our Order. I charge you Companions to compel those responsible in your Craft Lodges and Chapters to support this initiative. Now is the time for action and not to let time slip idly by. You need to be proactive in this respect and we are here to assist you.

During the next year, it is also planned to introduce a ‘Liaison Grand Officer Scheme’ which will provide each Chapter with a Companion who will be able to advise and assist to bring your aspirations to fruition. This service will come to you ‘Free of Charge’ companions and I urge you to make the most of the opportunity. This scheme is in addition to the other initiatives which have already been introduced are of course aimed at assisting you to recruit more exaltees into your Chapters. I would
remind you companions, that I had the sad duty earlier this afternoon to announce the passing of 59 Companions to the Grand Chapter above, who we have lost during the past twelve months and whilst our hearts go out to their nearest and dearest, we must strive even harder to secure our numbers.

Companions, I charge you to ask your Craft Brethren to complete their journey through Pure Ancient Masonry by joining this wonderful Order. It would strengthen your Chapters and make your Convocations more enjoyable.

Having impressed on your minds the efforts required and the hard work needed to secure our numbers, I will remind you of the Proverb “All work and no play makes Jack a dull Boy”, (My apologies to all those named Jack!). In this respect, we will be organising Social Events during the coming year and this will be your opportunity to have some relaxation and fun with your fellow companions in the Province, whether it be playing golf or just socialising in good company. Details will be forthcoming through the usual channels. I will also remind you companions that “All play and no work makes Jack a mere Toy”.

An important event took place in Hertfordshire recently when we hosted the Annual Deputy Grand Superintendents Forum on Tuesday 11th October which our own Deputy chaired. There were 24 Provinces represented and we were honoured with the attendance of the Second Grand Principal, E. Comp Russell Race. Discussions took place on many varied subjects and I can inform my fellow Grand Superintendents that their Deputies behaved impeccably. Information on this and other newsworthy
events can be followed on the Royal Arch Website which I recommend you all to visit.

On the subject of Charity, I must congratulate you companions on your outstanding contributions in support of the 2019 Festival Appeal and the use of the ‘Gift Aid’ envelopes. I appreciate that you already support this through your Craft Lodges but we do have Chapter Alms collections and this additional support is laudable.

I now have the pleasant duty to make a presentation and ask the Companion Director of Ceremonies to escort the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand to me (a cheque for £4000 was presented to the Provincial Grand Master).

Today, E. Comp Gary Warren has stepped down from Second Provincial Grand Principal which marks the completion of eleven continuous years’ in active Provincial Office in the Royal Arch and I thank him most sincerely on behalf of you all and whilst I am in the mood of making presentations, I will now ask Companion Director of Ceremonies to conduct him to me that I may present him with a personal ‘thank you’.

Companions I am sure that you are aware of the many hours of hard work that go into producing today’s Provincial Convocation and my grateful thanks go to my Deputy, E. Comp David Hampton for his continued support during the past twelve months, which has been invaluable. The Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra, E. Comp John Linley and his team for their tireless work over countless hours in putting this Convocation together. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, E. Comp Robert Asser and
his team for their excellent ceremonial and for making it all look so easy and the Provincial Grand Treasurer, E. Comp Tim Huckle for looking after our finances. On that note Companions I look forward to your company at dinner and also to the pleasure of your company next year.

May the True and Living God Most High Bless you all.
James Sharpley
Most Excellent Grand Superintendent
Monday 7th November 2016