On Monday 13 th January 2025, Penman’s Green Chapter 8384, celebrated an excellent installation meeting where the three Principals were inducted from 3 different Provinces: Hertfordshire (Z), Middlesex (H) and Metropolitan (J).
The Deputy Grand Superintendent, E. Comp Robert Asser, headed up a large delegation from the Province, having especially chosen the Mother Chapter of our erstwhile Grand Superintendent Jim Sharpley for his first official visit in that capacity. Also in attendance were the 2nd and 3rd Provincial Grand Principals, the Provincial Grand Scribe E as well as the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, who correctly named every member of the visiting delegation, as well as the holder of the Grand Superintendent’s Certificate of Service to Royal Arch Masonry, with his normal panache and enthusiasm.
The Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra, Ex Comp David Broomer presented a Grand Chapter Certificate to Companion Chris Christophi , in a very pleasant manner and the Deputy Grand Superintendent gave the address to the Principals following their installation.
At the end of the meeting, to the delight of all present, the Chapter presented our Past Grand Superintendent, James William Sharpley, with a short history of his masonic career in Hertfordshire and with a gift of John Lewis Vouchers from his Mother Chapter to recognize his 10 years as MEGS. E.Comp. Sharpley responded warmly to thank the Chapter, explaining that he had hoped to retire without any fuss.
He concluded by expressing the hope that this would be the last ‘surprise’ he would have to receive after retiring from his role as MEGS.
38 Companions then retired to a very happy and enjoyable festive board.
E.Comp. Rod Kent PGStB
Provincial Grand Mentor