Anthony (Tony) Matthews – 50 years in Royal Arch Freemasonry

160413 David & Tony 2E Comp Anthony (Tony) Matthews was initiated into Icknield Lodge 4670 in 1962, by his father, therefore Tony is a true Lewis. He rose through the ranks becoming Worshipful Master in 1973.

He was exalted into the Holy Royal Arch, again by his father, in December 1965, and again rose through the ranks to be installed as MEZ in 1976.

This milestone was recognised by the Province and at our regular convocation on 13th April he was presented with the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent’s 50 years’ Certificate of Service to the Holy Royal Arch, by our Deputy Grand Superintendent, E Comp David Hampton. Twenty two members and guests were present at the meeting to congratulate Tony, who responded by saying how much he enjoys the Royal Arch and how much pleasure freemasonry has given him over the years.

Due to work commitments he found it necessary to move to the Reading area but rarely misses a meeting, fulfilling his role as Scribe N.

We hope that Tony continues to enjoy his Royal Arch Masonry and to see him at our meetings for many years to come.