Explanation of the Banners of the Twelve Tribes of Israel

Kingswood Chapter 2278 Convocation 23rd February 2018

At our next Convocation on the 23rd February 2018 we are going to provide an explanation of the Banners of the Twelve Tribes of Israel with the Principals of the Chapter delivering the main part of the lecture and twelve other Companions each taking a Tribe card. We hope it will be an interesting meeting.

We meet on the last Friday in February, the third Friday in May and the first Friday in November (Installation) at “Cloisters”, Barrington Road, Letchworth, Herts. SG63TH.

Even when we do not have a candidate for Exaltation we always aim to provide an interesting and informative meeting followed by a friendly and convivial festive board.

We also normally run two or three social functions every year in conjunction with Kingswood Lodge including a Summer BBQ which in the past have proved very successful.

If you would like to join us for this or any future meeting or social occasion, or if you wish to extend your Masonic Career into the Holy Royal Arch please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards and Best Wishes
John Young


Kingswood Chapter No 2278
Scribe E: John Young ProvGSwdB.
36 The Drive, Potters Bar, Herts. EN6 2AR
Mobile: 07973262796
Email: johnyoung01@live.co.uk